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It can sometimes be difficult to determine which age group you best fit into, especially the transition ages 12, 14, and 16. To help you make this choice, here are a few considerations:

  • Look at the ages of your own friends that you know from home.
  • Did you skip a class or did you stay behind? And do your interests and needs perhaps fit more with one or another group instead of your age?
  • Consider whether there is a specific type of boat in a certain age group that you would like to sail with.

What is good to know is that we often see that most 12-year-olds choose the 12-14 age group, while most 14-year-olds switch to the 14-16 age group. In practice, the 12-14 group is more of a 12-13 group.

If you are still going to group 8, like learning through play and need a little more sleep, we recommend the 10-12 age group.

For 14 For year-olds, many girls often switch to 14-16, while boys often prefer to participate with 12-14. The 14-16 group offers more freedom, discos, and chill time, while 12-14 organizes more games.

For 16 year olds there are two choices: 14-16 and 16-18. The last group has a more serious approach, ideal for participants who want to sail fast and, for example, want to obtain their last diploma before becoming an instructor. Of course there is still room for fun and parties in this group!